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July 1, 2008
City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
4:30 pm

In Attendance:  Bonnie Weiss, Jerrie Hildebrand, Claire Ritchie, Tom Watkins

The group introduced themselves to all in attendance.  Need to contact Mike Epstein at Digital Imaging for grommets on banner.  Look into doing a press release for recognition.  ADL will come to meeting next month to discuss match grant.  On June 25th, Judith Bowman wrote an inappropriate response to what people give for Hanukah gifts in the Salem News.  Jerrie commented on last week’s the Today Show with Kathy Gifford about Pagans.  Ignorance is not just in one area, there is a lack of knowledge.  Claire mentioned the GLBT.

Upcoming Events
Possibility of holding an event for all, we need to celebrate diversity on this.  The “Interfaith Council” is very diverse now. Should talk to the Mayor about NPFH group when she meets with the Interfaith Council.  Mentioned Marjorie Matty at First Universalist.  

The weekend event could be a bus tour of various places of worship, featuring all the churches, etc, possibly incorporating this with the tourism industry.  The event would have to take place either during the Spring or Fall.  It is important that the event is not just about religion, but an opportunity to learn about people, the history of the different neighborhoods and their diversity.  

Film Showings
Video at City Hall?  Claire mentioned a new immigration film.  Possibility of having a movie film festival with the PEM documentary.  Jerrie could add one on the Pagan community.  Jerrie will send out links to the videos to Tom and everyone via email.  

This committee needs to focus on various forms of bullying at school, cyber, physical, etc.  ADL has a program on bullying and is doing it for Temples in Salem.  The program can incorporate all schools, middle/elementary.  How is this being monitored?

Meeting adjourned at 5:20 pm.  

Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins